Technical Training

Understanding the technical know-how and practical skill of an industry is essential for getting employed in a particular trade or occupation. Africa is a continent with the strongest and largest workforce, keeping them educated on the vocational skills will enable them to become the fastest and smartest human resource in the world. Technical training is also essential along with normal schooling. Majority of the population in Africa is young men and women. Living in a community we need assistance and help from people who are employed at different levels and who have the specific skills and knowledge to perform any repair or maintenance work. Offering vocational training is a great prospect. With majority of the population unemployed, teaching some vocational skills like plumbing, electric and wiring, carpentry, painting, mechanic, nursing, stitching, technician, craftsman, cobbler etc. helps strengthen and support the economy in Africa. Because of a lack in labour and skilled workforce in Africa, most often labour have to be hired from Middle East, Europe and Asia which is often expensive. Offering vocational skills training can make the people in Africa self-employed, independent and earn a higher pay at work and improve their standards of living. Seeking foreign investor collaboration is a good option, as it requires a lot of practical work like using heavy machinery, equipments, tools, and other raw materials in a factory-set up, to conduct workshops and training for a large group of students. Technical training has a lot of potential and if utilized wisely can bring a lot of benefits for foreign investors as well the people of Africa.